Maggie Valley Country Club
Home and Condo Prices
FREE List of Recent Sales and Active Listings
in the breathtaking Maggie Valley CC area ...

Knowing what homes have sold for and how active listings are priced is valuable information whether buying in a neighborhood or preparing your home for sale. This information will give you a good idea of what your MVCC home might sell for in today's market, or what it may cost to purchase.
This is critical information you must have on hand weeks before you put your home up for sale or place an offer on a home.
To receive a detailed listing of all Recent Sales and all Active Listings in the Maggie Valley CC area, just fill out the form on this page.
Please note: Jeff Ferguson, owner of Rock Realty, specializes in MVCC homes and condos and also enjoys golfing on this magnificent championship caliber golf course. If you need an expert, give Jeff a call today!
Thank You!
Jeff's Mobile Number: 828-734-9992 (Ok to text!)